Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Leggings Are Not Pants...or So She Said...LulaRoe

Leggings Are Not Pants...or So She Said...LulaRoe

Every person has a reason that they decide to do something in life. Why did I decide to sell LulaRoe? After all their number one seller is leggings and we all know that leggings are not pants. Or are they? 

First, you should know that I avidly believed that leggings are not pants. I would see that girl in the store with her fanny shining in those second coat of skin leggings and think "Leggings are not pants people!" Boy was I WRONG! 

What gives us the right to decide what clothing makes a person feel amazing? 
If it is a moo moo at the supermarket, but you feel like a million bucks...ROCK THAT MOOMOO! 
If it is those tight black leggings with your favorite tee...ROCK THOSE LEGGINGS! 

That is my why! I have always been overly self-conscious. Never in my life have I been that girl that could wear whatever she wanted and feel gorgeous. Hours have been spent looking in a mirror, changing clothes, throwing them on the ground, setting in the floor of my closet crying. Why does wearing clothing have to be such an important part of life? That question has crossed my mind a billion times. Now that I think of it, I don' think that any person is that girl! Everyone goes through the emotional roller coaster of what am I going to wear? Honestly, do you feel amazing in every piece of clothing you put on?  Didn't think so! You are not ALONE! No woman feels spectacular in every thing they put on. 

Then this magic thing happened. An acquaintance of mine added me to her LulaRoe pop-up boutique. I was excited to see what the buzz was all about. I thought "Pssshhhaa, these leggings cannot be that amazing." Again, I was WRONG! 

I got a pair of leggings and an Irma top. They arrived and I instantly was in love. My husband was all over me like white on rice. He loved how amazing the leggings felt, but was it just that he loved that about them? I have pondered what is it that makes him so attracted to me when I am sporting my Lula. Regardless of what pieces I am wearing. It could be my leggings, an Irma, a maxi, or even the coveted Amelia in my closet. What is it about LulaRoe? 

Then it occurred to me it isn't really LulaRoe. It is that when I put on LulaRoe I feel amazing. I am more confident no matter how chaotic the print is. I am comfortable in my own skin. And this vibe of confidence is infectious. Everyone around me seems to know that I am confident and comfortable. 

Do you realize how powerful that is? It is the difference in owning an interview, bossing a meeting, or making that sale. Confidence is connected to so many aspects of life that it is unreal. This is why I know LulaRoe is right for me. It makes me confident and that makes me feel like I can conquer the world. Why would I not want to share this confidence to be comfortable in their own skin with everyone? 

Now you know my why LulaRoe! Lets just end the negativity now...Leggings are pants. At least if you want them to be! 

If you have any why in the world, share it with me! I don't care if it is that warm fuzzy feeling you get from you pajamas. Tell me why you do what you do and what makes you feel confident! 

With Lula love and leggings for pants, 
Emily Eden 

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