Wednesday, April 20, 2016

I Just Submitted My Paperwork on 4/19/16! I am in the Queue!

I JUST SUBMITTED MY PAPERWORK ON 4/19/16!               I am in the Queue! 

Let me give you a quick intro explaining me and my life . I am Emily. I am a mother of 4, I work full time, and I go to college. I live a wonderfully busy life that I wouldn't change for anything in the world. My husband is my rock and together we raise 4 of the sweetest, wildest, and funniest kids that anyone has ever met. 

With that being said lets cut to the chase...LULAROE! 

There are so many things that have jogged through my mind since submitting my paperwork last night. Included in these little running thoughts are worries, concerns, excitement, to do lists, and then ahhh...I finally drifted off to sleep. Today when I woke up it was literally the very first thought in my mind. Throughout the day in any downtime it was all I thought about. 

Haven't you ever just had something in your life occur that preoccupied most every corner of your mind. (Or at least when you had nothing else to think about..) That is LULAROE! Well of course I think about my children, work, home, my schoolwork (semester is almost over..WOOHOO!), and many other normal life thoughts. Now I have added LulaRoe to my list of thoughts!

You may have many questions about why I would add LulaRoe to my already hectic life. To be completely honest, at first I didn't think this would ever work for me. However, there are several reasons that I took the leap. 

First, have you ever fell in love with a piece of clothing so much that you never want to take it off? It may be your old jeans that you have had so long that they conformed to be the perfect fit to your body. This is LulaRoe for me. I received my very first pair of leggings about 4 weeks ago. The minute I got them I was in love. They were soft and comfortable. I looked cute and stylish without sacrificing comfort! The picture to the left is my very first pair of buttery soft leggings and flattering Irma. 

I put that outfit on with my fit kicks. No they didn't match, but the rest of me looked cute! I knew that day that I was in trouble. I was either going to break the bank or I was gonna be in big trouble. (Let me just insert here that my husband loved them too!) 

Second, have you ever talked about something so much that the people around you started to form a little mini cult? That was me! I told everybody about how much I was in love. It was apparent by my hashtag lulaaddict, hashtag thisishowiroe posts on Facebook. Basically without realizing I was creating other LulaRoe addicts around me. 

Third, have you ever just known that something was so right? You just knew that whatever it was that it was meant for you and your life. That is me with LulaRoe. I haven't stopped talking about it in the 4 weeks that I have been a customer. I have talked to everyone about it. 

Aside from my constant talking about it everything has fell perfectly in to place. Let me tell you that I am not a credit card person. The idea of getting a credit card scared me to the core! As I was evaluating how I could pay for this without breaking my savings account a miracle happened. 

Well, okay, not really a miracle. I was discussing financing the start up with my husband. I logged in to the bank account. SAY WHAT?!?! I hadn't made the bank deposit the week before, my husband did. I forgot that I had money coming and BAM!!! There it was! Not the full amount needed. I had other little sums, but when I put them all together I am just shy of having the funds needed to pay for the package that I want. 

At that moment I knew that this was going to all work out! This was right for me. This is right for my life. Then I pondered the situation deeper and I realized that the entire thing is falling together. Not that there won't be speed bumps in my Lula road. I am sure that there will be, but at that moment it all felt right. 

I am excited about starting this new journey with my family and my friends. 

There is a long list of to do's that I have to accomplish before I onboard. I will update weekly with progress, Things that I have learned and things that I am probably completely confused about! 

Thank you for stopping by and reading my exciting news! 

Feel free to contact me if you are interested in becoming a consultant or if you want to try some awesome clothes. 

Until next time,
With Lula-love and excitement,
Emily Eden

P.S. VIP group link to come. I will not add anyone until I have onboarded, but I will give you all the link to join me! I will also have instagram, twitter, and youtube channel coming soon too! Be on the watch for them! 

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