Saturday, April 23, 2016

The To Do List is LONG!

The To Do List Is LONG!

Overwhelmed is an understatement! There are so many things to get done! How am I ever going to get everything done?Thankfully there is plenty of time in the queue! Whew... oddly waiting is a relief. Never thought I would say that!

You may ask is there really that much to get done. Why, yes. Yes there is!

Let me tell you what I have learned so far.

The first step you take once you are in queue is to set up a LulaRoe email account with the provider of your choice. (I chose Gmail...there are many media outlets that I can connect to Gmail... Like this blog!) This is important to help you communicate with your customers and remove your personal email clutter from your business email.

Now for the fun information or not so fun depending how you look at it. I am going to be primarily online and if your focus is also online like me then there are multiple media outlets that you will need to utilize. However, content is key! Key points to remember:
  • If you let any social media account go stale, then it will very likely stay that way. This includes your VIP group, a fan page, etc.
  • It is better to use accounts that you can link all together. They may not all communicate with one another unless you tell them to do so. They may not be the same content platforms. However, you will catch on which platforms work the best with others. For instance, Instagram works well to share pictures with Facebook (note: I am not sure if Instagram will share directly to a group page. I must figure this out.). Aside from that, I plan to make them connect just to help me utilize my time more wisely.
  • Figure out which platforms you will use the most and focus on those. Once those are grown and well established add some other platforms in to your routine! Don't...I repeat DO NOT overwhelm yourself with to much media outlets to fast. The accounts will suffer.
  • It is better to use less social media if your content is more valuable. Example: Nobody wants to follow someone on Twitter that doesn't offer something interesting! The trick for me is going to be figuring out how to keep my followers on any media engaged. [Insert wise words from my sponsor:] "The clothes will keep people interested." Lets just bank on her wise words! They were more than enough to keep me interested.
  • Wait until close to time to launch to start adding people to your VIP group on Facebook. I am going to set mine up, but make it private until closer to time. That way I have everything ready. My albums will be established (minus the photographs of the clothes), the information, files, and everything will be complete. I will not switch it to closed from private until I am set to start adding customers. This way I don't have to worry about people leaving when they realize I am so far away from launch. I don't want a stale VIP group!
This is just a small amount of what I have learned so far. I thought that I would share what I have picked up. I will say that I have started setting up all of my accounts and linking what I can. I am not currently actively trying to get followers/members. That is what I will do when I get closer to onbarding. (With the exception of YouTube and this blog. These are both accounts where I am sharing my journey from start to success!)

Click here  to follow my LulaRoe Journey vlog here on YouTube.

If you have any social media suggestions I would love to hear them! Please leave me a comment with your tips and tricks!

Until next time,
with Lula-Love,
Emily Eden

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